
Here you can find products branded by DIABLECO. Press the button to get detailed descriptions and shop links.

Furacos Platform

A complete platform oriented to the teaching of STEM disciplines. It is based on modules called «ladrillos» and you can build a complex linefollower robot.

Furacos Starter Kit Contents


ArduPRENDE is the gateway to Arduino environment. It have the SHIELD format and includes: LED, buttons, buzzer and communication ports.

ArduPRENDE with Red Breadboard


A HAT for Raspberry Pi to start on electronics and programming quickly and really easy.

raspiPRENDE HAT on a RasPi3

Furacos derived

Independent products but can be extended using the Furacos platform.

FuracosNano Contents

Furacos Nano

Furacos Nano is intended to program bootloaders using ArduinoISP. It is also used as a reduced mainboard on Furacos platform.

Caparrucia Robot Contents

Caparrucia Robot

Caparrucia is a little robot based on Arduino. Easy to assemble and easy to extend its possibilities (is compatible with our Furacos platform).

Detail to Furacos Main board with 1 GVS cable

Other products

SD adapters (v1 and v2)

ScreenPi: 2.8″ TFT screen

USB Shoe from Kickstarter

USB SHOE v1.2 connected to a RasPi Zero 1.2

Sensors: eBACAS

Whith the eBACAS (Enhanced Bed Autoleveling CApacitive Sensor) you can check the level of your 3D’s bed without touch it and it includes a connector for redundant safety contact.

eBACAS next to the Sensor

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