Furacos Nano is intended to program the bootloader on Arduino boards.
The form factor is a 2×2 ladrillo from Furacos platform, that mean that is totally compatible with it.
Can be powered with an external battery and it have 7 GVS ports.
The components come in kit and must be soldered together by the user: this is a good starting on your soldering skills and become a true maker.
Main Features
Bootloaders programmer

On bottom side there is a female ICSP connector and by using the USB cable the default program on Arduino IDE called “ArduinoISP” can be used to reprogram bootloaders on other Arduino Boards without any external programmer.
LED signaling
The 3 LED on board are planned to use when the “ArduinoISP” is working:
- RUNNING {green}: Slow flash, it means that is working and waiting for programm (D9 port).
- PROGRAMMING {yellow}: Flash when programming a new board using the ICSP connector (D7 port).
- ERROR {red}: Only flash when any error occurred (D8 port).
When the board is used for other proyects this 3 LED can be controlled as an digital output and they are the digital ports from 7 to 9.
Diableco Shop
Did you know that all Furacos Ladrillos work with this board? Explore the full range of Furacos platform.
Help and documentation
Using as a programmer {Provisionally only in Spanish}: Program a bootloader on an Arduino board using Furacos Nano.
Using as a main board {Provisionally only in Spanish}: Furacos platform help.
FuracosNano Contents
- PCB unassembled
- Brain compatible with Nano
- USB micro cable
- Female connector (15pin) for the Arduino Nano
- 3 through hole resistor, value 1k (1000Ω)
- 3 through hole LEDs (red, yellow and green)
- Capacitor with a 10μF value
- Jack Female Connector 2,1mm
- Pin strips white, red and black
- ICSP female connector 2×3