
Detail to Furacos Main board with 1 GVS cable

FURACOS is a platform oriented to the teaching of STEM disciplines focusing on Electronics, Robotics, Programming and, for its construction system, Mechanical.

An Arduino Shield where you connect each ladrillo to control and power it. Combining the ladrillos on different projects can be made, like blinking a LED or a Mechatronic project like a moving robot controlled using Bluetooth. By using the GVS system the electronic you don’t need to solder or use external prototyping boards only plug the included wire and that’s all.

To learn there is a complete tutorial on our helping web: DiablecoS.com

Furacos Platform

Main Board

Furacos Mainboard with connected power and USB wires

It works as an Arduino Shield but the Arduino Nano also works. The main use is interconnect all the ladrillos but it also includes a power off circuit (with a switch) and also integrates a Bluetooth module.


Furacos Starter Kit Contents

They are the input/output devices, they can be analog or digital and they are made with basic circuits. In all cases includes all necessary cables for use it.

Plastic Parts

Plastic part connected to Mainboard (temporal image)

Plastic construction system based on flat lines and panels and 3D printed parts (16 group of different pieces). All add up almost 50 individual pieces. The connection between the pieces is performed with reusable rivets.

Summary of available Ladrillos


LED Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

Tiny version (red LED) y and big one (green LED). They Represent the digital output and it is the simplest element. On kits you can find one of each size.

Push button

Blue Button Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

With 2 color cap: blue and white. They represent the digital input. Comes one of each color in each kit.


Buzzer Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

With this ladrillo you can ear simple beeps or nice melodies.


Potentiometer Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

A variable resistor intended to read as an analog signal. By turning the rotative actuator the resistor changes its value.


RGB Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

A kid of LED that let create lots of colors using 3 basic colors: red, green and blue. You can turn on each LED individually.


Motor Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

It is controlled as if a Continuous Rotation Servo, it needs same signal. But the power and speed are much higher than a normal servo. It have 4 fixed speeds, changed on a button.

Double Line Follower

Double-Line Follower Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

It is designed to work with a common 1cm insulating tape. The “double” is because it uses 2 sensors to follow the line rightly.


Power Ladrillo from Furacos Platform

Is a ladrillo that needs no programming: only plug and use it. It charges with a microUSB wire and its output is 7.5V and it comes with a 2.1mm connector.

In every ladrillo there are as many connectors as signals needs (for example 1 on the potentiometer and 3 on the RGB).

Furacos Kits

Furacos is sold in kits, being the ROBOT KIT the reference product then it contents all basic elements, motors and plastic parts.

There are 3 KIT

  • Starter: Basic elements, ideal to start on Electronics.
  • Advanced: It adds motor and IR, this is the maker option.
  • Robot: It comes with plastics so you can build tons of fun.

They are also available spare parts for sale individually.

Furacos Advanced Kit Contents

Table with every contents of the kits:

Starter KitAdvanced KitRobot KitWhen sold
IR double10€
Plastic Parts45€
GVS Cablesx10x15x151€
Kit cost73€115€160€

Connectors: GVS/SVG

Each digital or analog port will use a cable, in other words, if a component needs few ports it will use several cables. This way is a simple thing to understood the inner workings, for example a RGB LED which internally consists of 3 LEDs will have 3 wires to control it.

Connection is really easy because there is a color code on cable and board:

  • Signal = White
  • Positive = Red
  • Negative = Black

Example: RGB uses 3 GVS

3 GVS/SVG wires connected to RGB Ladrillo


Remarkable data about Furacos kits:

  • Main board in Arduino Shield format.
  • With mainboard a compatible Arduino board is included.
  • Bluetooth module integrated on mainboard.
  • Power ladrillo with rechargeable battery greater than 2000mA.
  • Included wires: USB for the Arduino, charging USB, power jack and every ladrillo includes its GVS wires.

Helping you on teaching and usage

It works with Arduino so you can use: Windows, Linux and MacOS
It works, among others: Arduino IDE, Ardublock, mBlock, Bitbloq…
There is a complete tutorial free and online on DiablecoS.com (only Spanish temporarily)

Diableco Shop

Do you need spare parts or extend your kit?
You can also buy it separately.

Kit main content

Electronic boards fully assembled and ready to use
Brain compatible with Arduino Uno or Nano
Battery module, rechargeable using a USB
Mainboard with Bluetooth
Wires including: USB, power and GVS